NY Times: ‘Kyle Abraham wants to see another side of Misty Copeland’
‘The more I get to know Misty, the more I want to show aspects of her artistry that people aren’t always given the chance to see. That’s why I wanted to make something with a simmer to it.’ Read the full preview here.
Dance Magazine: ‘Meet the A.I.M dancer whose choreography Kyle Abraham has invested in’
Kyle Abraham’s powerhouse A.I.M has recently been expanding its model. Last spring, the company invited Andrea Miller to create a work, A.I.M’s first commission by a guest choreographer. The program also included pieces by Bebe Miller and Doug Varone—marking a shift from all-Abraham repertory shows. This fall, for its Joyce season, A.I.M is again trying…
Arts Journal review: ‘Anthologizing Abraham’
‘Abraham’s style draws on ballet, modern dance, hip-hop, various vernacular forms, but, molded by his own unique sensibility, rarely do these sneak into the foreground. You feel the movements—sensuous, weighty—rippling out from deep in the dancers’ bodies. Sudden steps flash out and subside. You don’t think, “oh, a leap;” instead you watch an eruption. ‘ Read…
Boston Globe review: ‘At Jacob’s Pillow, lush wonders from A.I.M by Kyle Abraham’
[…] ‘it’s electrifying to see the specific gifts of each dancer in the mini solos peppered throughout’ Read the full review here.
The Berkshire Eagle: ‘Kyle Abraham creates ‘worlds and landscapes’
“When I first saw his new solo — it premiered at the Joyce — I couldn’t stand at the end of it,” she said. “The journey he took us on was so personal and universal at the same time. It was quintessentially Kyle, astonishing movement, movement that draws you in and includes you.” –Pamela Tatge,…
The Brooklyn Rail: ‘Kyle Abraham’s Live! The Realest MC’
‘Without being too heavy handed, Abraham drops in just enough narrative and evocative gesture between pure dance passages for viewers to intuit a larger sense of the implied themes. In The Realest MC, the hot button topics of gender expression, assimilation, bullying, and appropriation simmer with the threat of boiling over every now and then.…
Broadway World Dance Interview: Kyle Abraham Talks Live! The Realest M.C and More!
‘It’s always a unique thing when the question comes up about what’s changed and what hasn’t in terms of the way people perceive things at certain times. But if you’re a black American, nothing has changed. People were spitting on us and making us feel inferior for a very long time, so I don’t feel…
Theater Jones Review / A.I.M ‘All About the Motion’
The second solo of the evening, Show Pony, featured the stunning Marcella Lewis transitioning from deep lunges to surprising balances. Short and bold, the piece featured Jlin’s aggressive score and fierce, accented arm gestures. Like Abraham’s solo, the work focused on building a fiery personality and characterization. In between Lewis’ harsh stops, she inserted moments…